Cinema Cultural Trust

Our Recent Activities

Swathanthryothsav 2003

Swathanthryothsav is a movement against drugs organized by Cinema and Cultural trust (C-Cult). Moto of the trust is ‘say no to drugs’. The trust is propagating the message through art, cultural and yoga events.
Swathanthryothsav 2003 is a unique activity of the Cinema and Cultural Trust. C- Cult opens infinite opportunities for performing artists especially. They can appraise their talent in the healthiest environment. Here is the exceptional stage for upcoming prodigies.
The panel of judges will be dedicated artists in performing art. They will evaluate the performance of participants of South Indian Swathanthryothsav 2003 impartially and indulgently. It will be a great encouragement for the artist in their career.
Winners of the programme will be rewarded with cash awards, mementos, and certificates of merit.
We hope that you will use the encouraging and inspiring chance to establish a remarkable presence in the field of performing art.
Those who are interested to participate in the competition feel free to contact following phone numbers or visit the website for terms and conditions.